Can Having a Pet Benefit Your Mental Health?

Around the world, millions of people have adopted pets as members of their family. Unlike your other family members, however, your relationship with your pet is probably much more straightforward. They give you unconditional love, and don’t ask for that much in exchange. They can be your most compassionate companion when times are...

How to Use Music to Improve Your Mental Health

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you that music can directly affect your mood. For example, maybe you’ve used an upbeat pop song to help cheer yourself up, or a high-octane rock song to get you through a challenging workout. Listening to your favorite music, then, is...

What Is Social-Emotional Learning?

In recent years, the concept of social-emotional learning, or SEL, has become somewhat of a buzzword, in both the education and therapy sectors. SEL is a lifelong process that describes your ability to learn, teach others and positively contribute to your life and the lives of those around you. Research on how we learn...

Up All Night? Try These Simple Tricks to Sleep Better

Getting a good night’s rest is an essential part of your overall health and wellness, yet many adults fail to get the full seven to nine hours of sleep they need to take on the challenges of the next day. If you find yourself tossing and turning into the wee hours of...

Benefits of Motivational Interviewing

As humans, we are creatures of habit – a trait that can work against us when the habits we develop are not in our best interest. Changing your behavior can be one of the most challenging things to do, especially if you can’t seem to find the internal desire...

How Your Dreams Reflect Your Suppressed Emotions

If you’ve ever tried to get past a stressful day by putting negative thoughts out of your mind, only to have them come back to you a few nights later in the form of an anxiety dream, you probably know how your attempts to suppress waking thoughts can intrude...

Unique Advantages of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) is a highly effective branch of cognitive behavioral therapy, originally created to treat acutely distressing mental health issues such as borderline personality disorder and chronic suicidal ideation. Today, the goal of DBT is to change people’s unhealthy behavior and disrupted thought patterns. What Is DBT? The term...

Top 3 Traits of Emotionally Resilient People

Life can be tremendously stressful and unpredictable. The phrase “emotional resilience” describes a quality that influences people’s ability to respond to crises, as well as deal with the challenges of daily life on a more even keel. Emotionally resilient people can work through traumatic or difficult life events with the understanding that these...

Panic Attacks vs. Panic Disorder: What’s the Difference?

They can come out of nowhere and bring symptoms such as intense fear, sweating, shaking, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations and a feeling of being out of control. They’re panic attacks, and if you have ever had one, you may already be familiar with how uncomfortable they can be. In severe cases, you might...

The Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a combination of psychotherapy and behavioral therapy that has proven to be an effective treatment for a range of mental health challenges and mood disorders. The overarching goal of CBT is to help people identify and rectify negative or unhelpful thinking. By understanding the thought patterns that...