Dissociative Identity Disorder Statistics

Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Primer

Pretending to have a mental illness has become popular among young people on social media, especially on TikTok. Claims of dissociative identity disorder (DID) on forums, video platforms, and chat threads have led to misinformation about this condition, including how rare it is.  What is Dissociative Identity Disorder? Dissociative identity disorder...

social anxiety symptoms

Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Do Social Situations Scare You? Almost everyone feels nervous when giving a presentation or going on a first date. But for those with social anxiety disorder, day-to-day interactions can cause severe distress. If you struggle with talking to others, you’re not alone. Today, we’ll discuss the symptoms of social anxiety,...

Untreated ADHD

Untreated ADHD in Adults

Though it affects a smaller portion of the adult population than children, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can impact functioning at any age. As an adult, it’s more difficult to receive a diagnosis of ADHD. This is partially due to the widespread abuse of medication used to treat this disorder. However,...

anhedonia and depression

Anhedonia and Depression: Definition, Causes and Treatment

Anhedonia is the technical term for a lack of ability to take pleasure in daily life. People who experience this condition often lose interest in previously enjoyable activities. While it does not always signify depression, anhedonia is a core symptom of major depressive disorder. How can you tell if...


What Are Depression Symptoms?

Depression is a complex mental illness that can diminish your joy in life and make simple, everyday activities feel like a nearly insurmountable challenge. If you live with depression, you know it is more than a fleeting bad mood or a passing phase you can quickly overcome. When persistent,...

bipolar disorder

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a condition that causes dramatic shifts in a person’s mood and behavior. People with this mental health issue alternate between bouts of depression and manic episodes where they have ample energy and enthusiasm. These mood swings can affect sleep, energy, activity,...

acute psychosis

Acute Psychosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Contrary to popular stereotype, people with acute psychosis are rarely violent or dangerous. Nor are they necessarily homeless and disheveled, or the products of dysfunctional families. And they definitely are not beyond help. Much of the stereotypical “psycho” image likely results from confusing “psychosis” and “psychopath.” To mental-health professionals, a...

panic attack

What Does a Panic Attack Feel Like?

If you’ve ever experienced a sudden onset of intense, overwhelming fear, it might have been a panic attack. Because symptoms such as sweating, shaking, nausea and a racing heartbeat can come on so unexpectedly, it’s challenging to predict what circumstances might precipitate a panic attack.  Panic attacks can be unpleasant...

PTSD awareness

PTSD Awareness Day

June is PTSD Awareness Month, and June 27 is PTSD Awareness Day. Everyone should understand the facts about this painful mental illness. PTSD became a household word in the early twenty-first century due to media attention given former military combatants, but survivors of other traumatic situations develop the disorder as...


What Are the Early Warning Signs of Psychosis?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and though we’ve made exceptional strides in understanding and treating mental health disorders, there remains a stubborn societal stigma around mental illness and the need for people to seek life-changing help. Psychosis is an especially stigmatized condition because it can cause erratic behavior,...