How the Brain Can Heal Itself After Addiction

Think of a time when you had to learn a new skill, such as tying your shoes, typing or driving a car. At first, those activities were probably challenging for you because the fine motor skills you need to do them weren’t in place yet. Now, though, you can...

Types of Antidepressants: SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs and More

If you struggle with depression, your doctor might prescribe you an antidepressant to manage your symptoms and help you live a more well-balanced life. Though these drugs are not the only remedy for coping with depression, they have allowed millions of people to find relief and enjoyment in their...

Combating Psychological Trauma Due to COVID-19

The coronavirus outbreak has transformed nearly every aspect of our lives, from our daily interactions with family, friends and co-workers to the way we prepare to leave the house. Some experts have cautioned that such an abrupt transition can have severe effects on our mental health, including the symptoms...

Panic Attacks May Mimic COVID-19 Symptoms – How to Tell Them Apart

If you’ve been experiencing heightened anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic, you’re not alone. It’s understandable to feel some apprehension about the unknown, especially when the need to “flatten the curve” has left many of us homebound indefinitely.  Whether you’ve previously had several panic attacks or are worried about experiencing them...

May Is Mental Health Month 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted our mental health needs more than ever before. Since May is Mental Health Month 2020, it’s crucial to stop and review some straightforward ways you can improve your mental well-being.   1. Learn the Art of Self-Forgiveness Even if you’re consistently good at forgiving other people for...

Working Through Grief in Isolation

If you’ve been feeling unsettled and out of sorts due to coronavirus, you’re not alone. The rapid transmission of the pandemic has altered our world on both a micro and macro scale, and some of these changes might be permanent. Not only do you have your health and that of your loved ones...

Tips for Dealing With Anxiety Related to Coronavirus

The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 has caused massive disruptions in people’s day-to-day routines. Large swaths of the global population are now under some version of shelter-in-place orders in hopes of flattening the curve, while medical researchers race to find a vaccine that can end the pandemic and save countless lives.  Even if you know...

Ways You Can Fend off a Panic Attack | Dealing With COVID-19 Anxiety

If you’re prone to panic attacks, you know how terrifying the experience can be. The overwhelmingly intense surges of fear and anxiety can come on suddenly. The resulting symptoms, such as sweating, shaking, racing heart rate and shortness of breath, might make you feel like you’re dying. For some,...

How Does Anxiety in the Workplace Affect You?

Many aspects of work can be anxiety-inducing: deadlines, presentations, the undercurrents of office politics, living up to your team members’ expectations for you and many more. Since most workplaces are an environment where anxiety can flourish, it’s essential to get a handle on it before it affects your ability to execute your job...

The Benefits of Long-Term Therapy

As the public stigma surrounding mental health issues continues to decrease, it has normalized the idea of getting help from a professional therapist. In turn, more people who otherwise feel emotionally well-balanced, but are going through a challenging period in life, are starting to seek professional advice to help them overcome obstacles. If...