3 pillars of mental health

The Three Pillars of Mental Health

Researchers are beginning to understand more and more about the link between mental and physical well-being. While physical health affects how you feel, it is only one component of your overall wellness. Our psychological health also impacts our ability to make smart decisions, relate well with others and live a fulfilling life. Achieving your full potential requires you to appreciate the underpinnings of positive mental health: mental flexibility, mindfulness and resilience. 

What Is Mental Flexibility?

Changing your behavior to adjust to different circumstances is mental flexibility. Being adaptable to various situations is an essential way to form healthy habits and let go of negative emotions. When you are mentally flexible, you can remain well-adjusted, no matter what curveballs life throws your way.

Recognizing when you get stuck in a rut is a valuable way to become more mentally flexible. If you catch yourself engaging in a cycle of negative self-talk, try to reframe the conversation and think about all the good you bring to the world. Learning not to hold grudges will also keep you making progress in a positive direction, instead of getting trapped in your past.  

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness refers to your ability to remain focused on the present. Mindful people consciously work on their self-awareness. They are closely in tune with their thoughts and feelings, as well as their mind-body connection. 

There are many ways to practice mindfulness, but one of the most straightforward ones is to bring your attention to your breathing. Close your eyes and take one slow, deep breath in, filling your lungs up to the top. Hold it for a moment, then release it slowly. Repeat this a few times, focusing on the feel of the breath moving in and out of your body. This exercise is something you can do virtually anywhere, anytime you feel stressed or anxious. 

What Is Resilience?

The third pillar of mental health, resilience, refers to your ability to bounce back from hardships. Reframing difficulties as learning experiences, rather than setbacks, can teach you how to embrace life’s challenges instead of beating yourself up about them. Building resilience helps strengthen your character and make your mental health more robust. Often, the hardships we face mold us into stronger individuals and help us conquer our fears. 

How to Make the Pillars of Mental Health Part of Your Life

When you understand these three pillars of mental health, you can begin to incorporate them into all aspects of your life. Actively working on your mental flexibility, mindfulness and resilience will improve your well-being and make you a better-rounded person. Prioritizing your mental health as a valuable part of your overall health can help provide you with the foundation of happiness you need to succeed in life. 

At Serene Behavioral Health, we can give you the skills to become a more productive adult. We offer treatment for mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and PTSD, and our four levels of care enable you to get the help you need to work on your personal growth. If you are living with mental health challenges, contact us to learn more about what we provide. 

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