military mental health

Common Conditions Among Our Military Patients

While joining the armed forces and wearing our country’s flag is something to be proud of, the sacrifices of military life can be a source of significant psychological stress for service members. Frequent deployments and relocations – combined with experiences like serving in combat or being a victim of sexual harassment – can be traumatic, leaving people troubled and needing help.

Obstacles Faced by Military Service Members

The stresses of deployment and military culture are the primary reasons for active-duty military personnel to develop mental health disorders. Unsurprisingly, service members who have experienced multiple deployments and combat exposure are more vulnerable to PTSD, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder and clinical depression. They are also more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Unfortunately, many people in our armed forces – especially women – deal with sexual assault, harassment and discrimination in the line of duty. These problems create a toxic work environment that can lead to chronic stress and related health issues like high blood pressure, insomnia, depression, anxiety and PTSD. In some cases, military sexual trauma elevates the risk of developing PTSD even more than serving in combat.

How Military Service Affects People’s Well-Being

Due to trauma-related brain changes, current and former military service members may experience ongoing feelings of being tense, nervous and edgy. Various triggers could cause intense nightmares, flashbacks or panic attacks, all of which can affect your emotional well-being and detract from your quality of life.

Many trauma survivors also experience co-occurring mental and behavioral health disorders like social anxiety, agoraphobia, major depression and substance use disorder. Survivors of military-specific traumatic events such as serving in combat, seeing team members die or being victims of sexual harassment might not feel they can talk to anyone about their experiences, which can be lonely and stressful. As a result, they may withdraw from their loved ones and allow formerly healthy relationships to weaken.

Dedicated Mental Health Treatment for Veterans

Mental illness can lead to an honorable discharge from the military. Veterans still have access to benefits and services through the VA, but may have trouble navigating the system to get the care they need. If you require intensive mental health care unavailable at a nearby VA facility, you can apply to receive care at our campus, which is part of the VA’s Community Care Network.

At Serene Behavioral Health, it’s our mission to provide veterans with access to affordable treatment, and we accept TRICARE and TriWest. Our experienced treatment professionals specialize in complex conditions like PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia with evidence-based practices backed by decades of reliable research.

Military service members struggling with their mental well-being can select from four levels of care. Our clinical team will help you determine which approach is right for you. Contact us 24/7 to request help when you need it.

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