the dangers of undiagnosed mental illness

The Dangers of Undiagnosed Mental Illness

Though mental illness affects millions of people across the United States, many of these conditions remain unidentified and untreated. At Serene Behavioral Health, we recognize the critical importance of addressing this issue for individual and community well-being. The consequences of undiagnosed mental illness are severe, ranging from private anguish...

mental health is public health

Mental Health Is a Public Health Issue

April begins with Public Health Week – a valuable opportunity to spotlight the critical things we must do to keep communities safe and improve quality of life. Traditionally, these discussions have focused on physical health challenges and epidemics, but the tide is turning as more people recognize the significance...

soak up sunshine

Sunshine and Serotonin: Exploring the Link Between Sunlight and Mood

In the search for improved mental wellness, you might overlook sunlight as the simplest, most profound source of joy and health. This natural element can play a crucial role in enhancing your mental health and overall well-being. The Serotonin Boost Sunlight is a natural mood enhancer due to its ability to...


What Is Stimming?

Self-stimulatory behavior is common among neurodivergent people, especially those with conditions like autism spectrum disorder or sensory processing disorders. While stimming may appear unusual, it is a natural and beneficial coping mechanism that deserves acceptance as a form of self-expression. Understanding Self-Stimulatory Behaviors Stimming encompasses a range of repetitive movements, sounds or...

does OCD keep getting worse

Does OCD Keep Getting Worse?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health condition that can significantly impact your life, manifesting in persistent, unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors. The daily cycle of obsessions and compulsions can become all-consuming and interfere with your usual responsibilities. OCD’s Progressive Nature The question of whether OCD worsens over time is complex and...

alcohol and Prozac

Alcohol and Prozac

The choices you and your health provider make together can impact your mental health treatment’s effectiveness, especially if your regimen involves a prescription medication like Prozac. At Serene Behavioral Health, we work with many people who need clarification about the potentially dangerous interactions between alcohol and prescription drugs. If...

mental wellness

Psychological Health

As January ushers in a new year, it also marks Mental Wellness Awareness Month, a critical reminder of the importance of psychological health in our lives. At Serene Behavioral Health, we promote understanding and awareness about mental health, including recognizing the signs of mental illness and understanding the complexities...